I just thought I’d put that out there. I ain’t bad at Angelina and Brad – he wanted kids, she wanted to have them, Jen didn’t. And I firmly believe Jen didn’t want kids yet. You make your choices and you gotta live with ‘em. But I still like Jen. And Brad you shoulda called her and been like yo- thought you should know before you see it on the cover of People. Cause you know they still talking on the phone. You know it. I know it. Anyway, If I could get one of those Team Anniston t-shirts I would but that’d be the day I run into Bradgelina on the street. Anyway
Truth of the matter is some days my dreams feel to big for my head.
Yesterday Jerry and Joe pulled apart the washing machine…..(I’m hoping you can see the long silence.) They were excited. Apparently they had a good time ripping that thing to shreds. I say we should have just bought a new one – but they think they can fix it. (second long silence right here) Lets just say the washing machine tub is on one end of our basement and the rest of it is scattered like roaches when you turn on a light and they stop like you can’t see ‘em- but you can but you sit there and stare like – I can’t believe I got roaches. Yeah, the washing machine is sitting there like I can’t believe my guts are all the way over there. But I’m really glad J got down there and got his hands in something. I really want him to be more handy and more assertive about those things. I think it will give him more confidence, and give me less to worry about.
My next class is Thursday and I’m almost finished with my homework. Got a little more to do, I still have to pick up my uniform, might need to take an hour off so I can get that done tomorrow, or Thursday. Still got a lot of stuff to buy for class. Need a scale and a few bowl scrapers, some measuring cups, a set of sharpies, and a few other bits and pieces, my dad is offering his Target card I may take him up on it if things get too tight. I also need to find my book bag. I know I got one – I haven’t seen it in YEARS though. The dog ate my textbook. Yes the one that costs an obscene amount of money. Almost makes me wanna buy another one. Money is too funny for that though, unless he really takes a chunk out of it. I knew he was too quiet for that. Big fuzzy butt dog.
Cammy is getting over her flu/cold. Such a trooper, and such a big girl – she told the dog to shut up yesterday and has started saying she’s sorry. My friend Joe who was helping with the washer was so surprised she was talking so much.
Al Sharpton is talking about picketing comedy central if they don’t apologize about the MKL episode of the boondocks, talk about somebody TOTALLY missing the point. You I’ve been thinking about peoples use of the N word and why we as a people are so much more likely to accept it in entertainment and even from one another (although I can’t stand for people to use it in referring directly to me or about a third person, or about themselves.) I have a friend who uses the word negatively and it bothers me and I’ve had to tell her on a couple of occasions – that simply doesn’t fly here (here being my world). And it especially doesn’t fly when being used in regards to my people. I can’t change the way she thinks about her family but I cannot allow her to degrade mine in anyway, they are mine and I won’t stand for it.
I got side tracked.
Anyway, I think its mostly because entertainment is entertainment. And people are selective in what they want to make real, they want to make 23 in spinners part of their reality but not insult leveled when somebody raps ‘nigga (fill in appropriate rap lyric here)’. They want all the glitter and glamour but they don’t want to abandon ‘the hood’. That makes me think about ‘The Itis’ episode and what the Mexican worker was saying about chitterlings and the like. Black folks live in ghettos for the same reasons our ancestors ate leftover pig parts – because it is what was available, but that doesn’t mean our lack – as a people – should be glorified. Just like just cause you used to eat something don’t mean you should necessarily be planning on including it in your menu plans for the future. One shouldn’t feel the need to hold on to the behaviors that we out grow as we become more successful. Keeping it real should not be about acting in a way that reminds people where you came from but more about remembering to go back and get somebody and help them find there way to a better situation.
For example holiday meals. My family normally gets together for holiday meals – about fifty of them. And for the last few years I have been hearing the grumblings about my offerings – calling them bourgeois and the like. Apparently from conversations I and my husband have over heard, I’m too good for them. Cause I do strange stuff to my food. But I think my family deserves the absolute best that I can produce.
They really gonna hate me once I get the culinary degree aren’t they?
I’m loving it… and I’m not talking Mickey D’s neither.
Holla at yo girl!