Saturday, January 29, 2005


Okay - here we are in all of our glory

Quita – that’s me, Poet, mom, computer geek, almost thirty something blogging chick, who is totally in love with her husband and daughter, and so there for my friends. I am currently in school to get my culinary arts degree.

Jerry – Man o the house – husband, best friend, and future best selling novelist, you can read his take on our madness here – as he has been sucked into the world of blogging too. He’s big into talking and role-playing – and not the fun for this girl kind, so I am learning to enjoy talking way more than I’m used to. He’s a gamer and hopes to groom our daughter into her gamer heritage as soon as she can hold an xbox remote.

Cammy – the daughter- Cutest smart kid on the planet. She’s in toddler aged and open for photos and saying funny cool stuff. So the blog is pretty much where her future husband should come to find all the embarrassing moments she won’t let me tell him about.

Gigi- My mom – totally into the whole grandma thing only she doesn’t want to be called grandma –and that’s okay since Cammy has at least SIX grandmothers. She’s very into the parenting over your shoulder. But that’s okay – pay back is a bitch, and I had it coming – I wasn’t the best teen ever. She is a Real estate agent (if you are buying in St Louis you’d do great to use her – she really is awesome at her job – I’d use her if I weren’t her kid.) Check out her website at if it doesn’t work – blame me I’m her webmaster.

Popi- My dad and Cammy’s heart – I thinks she’s trying to take him from me – my dad says I’m crazy but I see how she looks at me when I hug him, she gets all mad and tries to jump in and break up my hug. H’s MY daddy. She’s got her own.

Mr. Henderson – my father in law- he’s the smartest man I know – (book smart) still slightly intimidating – hence the Mr. Henderson moniker.

Adam – My white boy – Jerry’s best friend currently in Japan – See his blog here – totally our heart and we miss him so. Lives on Guinness, Del Taco and what ever he can get at our house.

TiTo- a couple friend our ours Ti – is the female half To is the male half. To is the producer of my poetry CD, Ti is my favorite person to pick on. Her and her cat Jinks give me way too much ammo for my blog you will read about them more than they would like you to.

Granny – is my grand mother – currently being stole by Jerry and she keeps Cammy on a daily basis. Postal retiree – she is not to be messed with. She is my favorite Grand person easily.

Joe- My best friend, and best extra white boy, terminally doomed friend. he has a blog he just doesn't update it. Currently stuck in perpetual girlfriend drama, one day he will figure it all out, and the next he'll get hit by a train, on a street with out tracks, yep he got it like that.

spoken - my other best friend, psycho. Very psycho. Blog here and yeah shes psycho.

Contact me

Feel free to contact me at Raquita at gmail dot com (I'm avoiding the spam bots; just substitute an ampersand, period, etc.). Comments left here and sent via e-mail are always fun and welcome and if you happen to have questions about your At&T or SBC service please feel free to contact me I was in sales until 05, and I have all the contacts to try and make any problem go away and I will do my very best – I only ask that if you need to buy something from SBC/At&T (DSL, Dish network, Dial Up basic service or even something simple like Caller ID- I’ve been put on a new task force at work and they are watching how many people I tell about SBC/At&T – and ironically I hate sales that’s why I switched departments) if you need any of that stuff that you use promo code RJ2545 or call me first before you do. I scratch your back you scratch mine.
If you happen to have questions about my family or me or my politics I ask that you keep those questions civil and non-psycho. I’d hate to have to open a can of whopass up over the internet and I know you don’t want that either.
Now a few persons have asked me my opinion of posting pictures of my kid on the internet, and I’ll give you my logic on the subject. Cam is my life – I love her more than anything. However our family has a unique, although less so now than at our beginning, relationship with the internet. I met Jerry over the internet. So we are more prone to seeing the positives about the internet rather than magnifying the negatives. Cammy is never alone – never with strangers, never kept by people we don’t know and trust and even then we are vigilant about her safety. That being said I try really hard not to give specifics about our life, but I use this blog to keep my family in the know. We (we being I ) don’t make calls well, don’t visit as often as I’d like, don’t mail often enough, don’t always know what to say – how ever I e-mail like its nobodies business, So I keep pictures of my Cammy online cause my family is all digital and they can find it, and just because you cool anonymous people have happened across our wonderful slice of the internet, I’m not necessarily gonna change my original goal, and I refuse to keep her beauty under wraps – since some great modeling tycoon will see her and put her on the cover of every child and parenting magazine across the nation and she’ll make enough money to get through private grade and secondary schools, the college of her choice and medical or law school if she so chooses, and THAT would totally rock. Besides you could just contact me or leave a comment and then I can know exactly who is looking at my family.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

About actors who have a false sense of everything...

I was reading the new this morning and in the entertainment section I found this,

AUSTIN, Texas - Actor Jason Patric has sued an Austin police officer for allegedly violating his civil rights by using excessive force and falsely imprisoning him in March.
AP Photo

Patric, 38, was charged with public intoxication and evading arrest after being stopped by an officer while walking with a group of friends in the city.
The charges were dropped a month later after prosecutors cast doubt on the evidence.
Patric claims in the lawsuit that he "was doing nothing illegal, was sober and was clearly not a danger to himself or to others."
A police spokeswoman declined comment late Friday, saying the department had not seen the lawsuit.

I found it hilarious that this young actor is offended by the way police treat people on an everyday basis. If you know how many times I have been pulled over and removed from my vehicle forcefully handcuffed, detained in a cruiser then released after an hour for no reason, or arrested on a warrant that they claim was unpaid from my horrible driving days as a teenager for running a stop sign (which I've paid by lawyer at least three times- and have had the paper work in the car with me at least twice) Maybe this would be funnier to you. But I'm not an actor so maybe that makes all the difference.