tag I'm it
Here’s the scoop on how to play: I pick 5 occupations out of the list below and answer my questions. Then I tag 3 other people to post their answers on their blog. However, I don't know that many people who blog, so if you want to do it, you have to jump up and down and say "Pick me!" If you don't have a blog, you can answer in the comments. (http://accidentalhousewife.blogspot.com/tagged me)The "questions": If I could be a scientist...If I could be a farmer...If I could be a musician... If I could be a doctor... If I could be a painter... If I could be a gardener... If I could be a missionary... If I could be a chef... If I could be an architect... If I could be a linguist... If I could be a psychologist... If I could be a librarian... If I could be an athlete... If I could be a lawyer... If I could be an inn-keeper... If I could be an electrician... If I could be a professor... If I could be a writer... If I could be a llama-rider... If I could be a bonnie pirate... If I could be an astronaut... If I could be a world famous blogger... If I could be a justice on any one court in the world... If I could be married to any current famous political figure...Allrighty then.
Thanks for the Tag h8s2clean here we go!
If I could be a chef... I would specialize in world food becasue america has enough hamburger joints to last us FOREVER.. I'd master Thai food, and Italian, Mexican, Cuban, Greek, French and Pastry. That just made me hungry.
If I could be a world famous blogger... I would cause it would rock to get paid for his and be ableto keep my kid right under foot and work from home. (maybe I just got a new career focus..)
If I could be a musician...I would play piano and Guitar, and Violin. I used to play two of the three (any guesses which three?) or at least took lessons on the two of the three... Thats not the same is it?
If I could be a lawyer... I'd do it to prove to my ex that the bar is passable.
If I could be a librarian... I would SHHHH everybody and read all day. Cause what else would I do? I'd have the student assistant put all the books away.
If I could be a doctor... I would have my PHD in poetry because that would mean I actually went to school for something that I loved and got a DEGREE IN IT!!!! That would be so NIFTY I 'd be speechless.
Wanna be next? Come on you know you do....
Thanks for the Tag h8s2clean here we go!
If I could be a chef... I would specialize in world food becasue america has enough hamburger joints to last us FOREVER.. I'd master Thai food, and Italian, Mexican, Cuban, Greek, French and Pastry. That just made me hungry.
If I could be a world famous blogger... I would cause it would rock to get paid for his and be ableto keep my kid right under foot and work from home. (maybe I just got a new career focus..)
If I could be a musician...I would play piano and Guitar, and Violin. I used to play two of the three (any guesses which three?) or at least took lessons on the two of the three... Thats not the same is it?
If I could be a lawyer... I'd do it to prove to my ex that the bar is passable.
If I could be a librarian... I would SHHHH everybody and read all day. Cause what else would I do? I'd have the student assistant put all the books away.
If I could be a doctor... I would have my PHD in poetry because that would mean I actually went to school for something that I loved and got a DEGREE IN IT!!!! That would be so NIFTY I 'd be speechless.
Wanna be next? Come on you know you do....
do you write poetry?
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