Thursday, August 24, 2006

because two posts in one day isn't ever enough

I’ve found a new blog source for me as a mommy, simply called and it seems to be filled with like minded mommies, i.e. mommies who are trying to be supportive and available to other moms out there. Mommies like me who just want to know somebody else is there and that somebody gets it. That the people who watch and enjoy Paris Hilton are not the majority, thus proving it was not a major mistake bring children into this world.
That nifty little site has taken me to visit with CityMama who had this totally nifty post reprinted there. She totally rocks.


So, take a minute to visit with her and check her out. I thought I’d share.

Also to anyone who’d like to know, should you desire NOT to reproduce – and you’ve come to this decision the morning after you can now buy the morning after pill over the counter. Nifty. Lo and behold something that would be your god given right if men gave birth is now available to women.
Anywho, I was supposed to be on vacation next week but I have moved it to the week of Labor Day, and per my previous post, I have the opportunity to purchase a commercial stove which my mother wants me to use to start some sort of baking business, I’m kind of interested in starting a specialty bakery. I’m thinking I need some practice but hopefully I can get into that one day. So I’m thinking the basement might be a decent space to practice in. put up some dry wall, level the floor, run some lights and presto – maybe in home business or at the very least a practice kitchen.

Vacation, ah yes, the supposed down time that turns out to be anything but. But oh to choose the things that wear you out! That is the fun of it! I am very much looking forward to the time off from work. I’m planning on taking Cammy to the Local museum of Transport, the butterfly house, the magic house, Purina farms and the city museum, as well as our weekly trip to the science center. One special trip a day should be great, and still give me the time to paint the rooms and hopefully remove the paint from the wood surfaces I want to re-stain. I’ve just set up rental of a Speedheater Infrared (IR) Paint Remover so I can get my upstairs ready for move in. I am so excited about getting to work up there. I expect that my evenings will be full of home depot and paint fumes. OH the JOY!! I am going to have to cancel my weekend trip to Branson next week, although the rest of my family was very foo foo about going, I was kinda excited. I like Branson with all of its country redneck charm.

But alas I am off to pick paint colors and try to rustle up the know how to knock out a wall. Wish me luck.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, I'll have to check out mommyblogger. Citymama's great, isn't she? That's the first blog I ever read.

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were intersted in a professional stove too but found out they are not insulated and, bought new, warrantees are not given for home use. I would check to see if safety measures are needed, like firewall, before installing one in your home.

5:55 PM  
Blogger Debbie said...

dammit. it's my dream to one day have the opportunity to knock out a wall. I'm so not kidding.

I'm jealous.

also, the specialty bakery sounds like heaven. and really, there's nothing like working for yourself. seriously. it's not w/out the ass-suckiness on some days, but overall, the beauty of not having to kiss someone's behind for zero good reasons on a regular basis makes the tough part so worth it.

4:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you start this baking business and need like, someone to taste-test stuff I will totally volunteer.

9:58 PM  

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