Me at a glance
Big ups to Mobrowne whos blog I jacked for these questions:
what i am reading right now:
The Bondwoman’s Narritave and a few random collections of poetry
what i am listening to:
Jill Scott and The Buena Vista Social Club
what i am wearing:
Green wide neck summer sweater and black Cargo capris.
what i am working on:
New poetry and closing on our home .
what i look forward to:
summer fun. The wedding! Owning the house, Re- landscaping the yard, Completing my CD by end of year, traveling a little bit more…
what annoys me:
Dramatic Gay people (my landlord in particular), self pity, unjust opinions – especially my own, bad drivers, My dog
what motto i live by:
This fish needs a bicycle. A response to the statement a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle – and a zillion moments in the bible
what i want to change about myself:
my ability to hold grudges – dispite feeling as though I have forgiven someone, My moodiness which rears its head at all the wrong moments the need to feel accepted by people who in the long run I don’t really care about .
what i love about myself:
i am loyal and I work hard at being the best person I can.
what i dreamt last nite:
i don’t retain dreams most times unless God is talking to me… and then I get a lot of Déjà vu
what i'm feenin' for:
Traveling – getting away with my kid and my man.
what i regret:
the way I ended with Etefia ( a little harsh for me) Staying with Aaron So long, Not thinking of my self sooner, Not knowing how.
what i learned:
Life is honestly what you make it…
where i would move if i left STL:
I’m not sure, I want to be in a area that feeds my creativity (NYC) but I can’t live there… I love the country (Montana) but …. Its MONTANA, I thought about Las Vegas..but the lights would get me an dI’d be in Gamblers Anon in like six months , Chicago is too cold in the winter. Hawaii Would rock but Jerry doesn’t like Iving on islands. My answer is I don’t know
what is my biggest mistake:
Not majoring in education like I wanted when in college
what inspires me:
my daughter, my man, my family and certain contemporary poets.
what's my favorite outfit:
a zillion outfits I don’t own cause I was too busy taking care of everybody else.
what's my favorite word:
what's my biggest secret:
i don't have any.
what is the biggest lie i ever told:
I love you – to a guy I really just liked and not even a lot.
what i am reading right now:
The Bondwoman’s Narritave and a few random collections of poetry
what i am listening to:
Jill Scott and The Buena Vista Social Club
what i am wearing:
Green wide neck summer sweater and black Cargo capris.
what i am working on:
New poetry and closing on our home .
what i look forward to:
summer fun. The wedding! Owning the house, Re- landscaping the yard, Completing my CD by end of year, traveling a little bit more…
what annoys me:
Dramatic Gay people (my landlord in particular), self pity, unjust opinions – especially my own, bad drivers, My dog
what motto i live by:
This fish needs a bicycle. A response to the statement a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle – and a zillion moments in the bible
what i want to change about myself:
my ability to hold grudges – dispite feeling as though I have forgiven someone, My moodiness which rears its head at all the wrong moments the need to feel accepted by people who in the long run I don’t really care about .
what i love about myself:
i am loyal and I work hard at being the best person I can.
what i dreamt last nite:
i don’t retain dreams most times unless God is talking to me… and then I get a lot of Déjà vu
what i'm feenin' for:
Traveling – getting away with my kid and my man.
what i regret:
the way I ended with Etefia ( a little harsh for me) Staying with Aaron So long, Not thinking of my self sooner, Not knowing how.
what i learned:
Life is honestly what you make it…
where i would move if i left STL:
I’m not sure, I want to be in a area that feeds my creativity (NYC) but I can’t live there… I love the country (Montana) but …. Its MONTANA, I thought about Las Vegas..but the lights would get me an dI’d be in Gamblers Anon in like six months , Chicago is too cold in the winter. Hawaii Would rock but Jerry doesn’t like Iving on islands. My answer is I don’t know
what is my biggest mistake:
Not majoring in education like I wanted when in college
what inspires me:
my daughter, my man, my family and certain contemporary poets.
what's my favorite outfit:
a zillion outfits I don’t own cause I was too busy taking care of everybody else.
what's my favorite word:
what's my biggest secret:
i don't have any.
what is the biggest lie i ever told:
I love you – to a guy I really just liked and not even a lot.
so when are we gonna get to read some of this new poetry? where are my pictures? good luck with the house closing!
Hi there! Thanks for the link! I'm from Chesterfield, but I live in NYC now. :)
i c we have the same inspirations...
I thought this would be a great way to learn more about each other! Great questions from Mo!
what i am reading right now:
Approaches to social movements, and Culture of Fear
what i am listening to:
Badu's Mama's Gun, I am seriously a Badu junkie, nearing the fiend boundary
what i am wearing:
blue flower pj pants and a white t-shirt
what i am working on:
New pieces, getting a job in STL and changing a grade in my Black Nationalism and Radicalism class before my degree posts in August
what i look forward to:
summer fun. Getting my big butt back in the gym, the sound of my son's laughter, seeing my family, Wednesday nights at Neo Soooouuuul
what annoys me:
ignorance, things that take 17 steps when 2 would do, paying taxes for everything from bubble gum to car registration, gas at $2 a gallon, people who refuse to consider something different
what motto i live by:
"Without struggle, there can be no progress-F. Douglass" that one helps me when I want to quit. "Remembering is good if you dont let it be the fear of you.-Badu" This is a quiet line I just heard in a song I have listened to forever...I want to remember without it being the fear of me...I am striving for that one.
what i want to change about myself:
my pertpetual cycle of worrying about what people think of me, have more patience, to stop overanalyzing things I cannot change, to believe in the idea of faith more, lose the weight I have been hiding in since I had my son
finsih more things I start
what i love about myself:
I am honest, empathetic, compassionate and willing to do the things that are hard. That I helped my son be so loving
what i dreamt last nite:
I tend to have dreams alot, some good and some not so we will just keep it at that
what i'm feenin' for:
to be near family
what i regret:
giving myself to men who only took, not knowing I had stuff inside to love, not being more efficient about completing my degree more timely and getting more fellowships instead of loans,
what i learned:
You are often responsible in some way for most things that happen to you, to make sure my son REALLY understands the concept of money and debt, to recognize when I need time to look at/nuture/work on myself, I will forever be paying off my student loans, to make sure i regulalry push myself outside my own comfort zone so I keep
where would I live if I moved from Tx-
STL or Tampa..that place is GREAT
what is my biggest mistake:
there are a couple in the running, one I will share on a public blog :) That I spent my student loan money like it was something I wouldnt have to pay back (i had NO realistic concept of what that would REALLY look like)
what inspires me:
my son, my sister, great writing, strong women, men who will laugh AND cry, good art, real compassion, a babies laughter
what's my favorite outfit:
a t-shirt and comfy pants--I am a casual kinda gal
what's my favorite word:
what's my biggest secret:
if i told the world, it wouldnt be a secret
what is the biggest lie i ever told:
a girl I knew asked me if her man was being unfaithful and I knew he was...knew him better than her, knew she should know so she could move on, but didnt. Told her I didnt know.
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