Wednesday, November 30, 2005

All kinds of stuff, I'm just catching up...

The Holiday the Cook and the Spatula

Thanksgiving was a good day – Although I poured so much into it I am still drained. I cooked for two days straight – I helped my sister prepare her thanksgiving and then I prepared my own for my husband and his father. I feel like I served my soul up in Turkey dressing, macaroni and cheese and homemade cranberry sauce and gravy and garlic mashed new and baby red potatoes, and candies yams, roasted asparagus, and green bean casserole, a German chocolate cake and sweet potato pies and apple cobbler.

Did I ever mention I love to cook?

Love. Love. Love it.

Like I love my family, I love to create with food, and share and give of myself, and pour my heart and everything into what I am preparing. Thanksgiving is the ultimate attempt of people all over the country to express how they feel about their families and friends. However I approach cooking like I do everything in life. So I got to use the best to offer my best. So I spent WAY too much on the right veggies and ingredients and the right gadget to get the consistency just right, get my browning just right, make my sauce just right.

After the holiday people asked me on several different occasions when was I gonna open my restaurant. Well, as soon as I find $500,000 attached to a investor willing to believe in my vision. Cause I got one. Cooking for a living was one of my dreams, just like being a full time photographer, painting, writing, teaching for a living. They all hold special, special places in my heart. They live stored in the film around my heart holding it together but none rushes my blood like cooking.  
Spoken says it will not work and we’ll stop being friends. I’m saying she’s too pessimistic. Shes’s saying … “all I’m saying is you need a business plan, and a floor plan that not only Feng Shui and bring in good energy and is located in a cool area,  and a menu, and taxes, and …..blah blah blah”
I said but we can do it!!! Anyway back to my rant.

I honestly believe you can talk and communicate with the energy you put into an activity. As A woman I believe I have made men stay with me when they would have left by simply making something for them. I know at least one man came to me after tasting from my kitchen, and I knew it was time to leave another when nothing I cooked for him came out right.

But in that I believe food is powerful, its not as empowering for me as it is draining. I felt like I poured my whole life into thanksgiving and it took me DAYS to be able to say I had gotten most of my energy back. If I open a restaurant I wonder if it will kill me?

Reading Writing and other fundamentals

I have started reading a lot lately, I wan to write but I don’t have the strength to lift a pen if feels like lately, so I am hoping I’ll read something that will make me want to write. 13 – her blog has made me look for a pen only to lose the moment when I could not find what I needed. I need to get organized. I need to get it together. I will. After I take a nap.

Moving, Dogs and other madness

If you have read J’s blog you know we are in the market for a new dog, we are also moving this month (December) and looking for a renter. A big part of me wants to stay in our current home and renovate it into ‘Our Home’. J thinks we should move and keep the renters income coming in. We can go back and forth about it all the time. But we have decided to go ahead and move it benefits us as well as my granny, and gives us some yard, and gives my cousin, I hope, the chance to live and come into his manhood. (I’m breaking my own cardinal rule about renting to relatives)
New dog- I want a Cane Corso. Apparently I can’t have one cause they cost like an arm and a leg. Got a spare Cane Corso laying around and wanna share? I’ll gladly take him.

Now I just told Spoken I was blogging this conversation she would like to note the views expressed in this blog make her not my friend anymore. Then she calls me a whore and she keeps going on about how she can’t believe I blogged the conversation. Yeah Dog!

Love ya spoken!!!


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